Goals are so hard aren’t they? I’m so bad at making them and sticking to them! The sticking to them is the hard part. This year I finished more than half of my goals, which is a huge accomplishment for me! lol. How do you usually do with your goals? This is my review of all of my goals for 2017 !
If you’d like to see the original goals post, you can find it here:
Here how I did with my 17 goals for 2017:
1. Revamp the blog – CHECK!
– I did it! I don’t even remember what my blog looked like a year ago anymore – but it was pink and grey, lol. I LOVED the redesign I did last winter :)
2. Get away for a weekend (at least!) with my husband (sans kids) – CHECK!
– We did it! We went to Mexico (for the first time!) and it was glorious!
3. Make a DIY pillow cover – CHECK!
I made so many of these – Christmas ones, Spring ones, and Canada Day ones!
4. Go to an estate sale
– We missed out on this again! Ugh. There just aren’t that many good ones around here! But I’m still sure it would be a great place to find some treasures!
5. Start a blog newsletter – CHECK!
– I’m so happy I did this! Now you guys just get one e-mail a week, plus a FREE gorgeous calendar :) Find out more HERE.
6. Finish Evelyn’s scrapbook
– I’ve officially retired this one. I just don’t do much scrapbooking anymore! Watch for a replacement goal in tomorrow’s post :)
7. Renovate our master bathroom ensuite – CHECK!
– This was my second favourite renovation of the year! LOVE how this bathroom turned out!
8. Take our classic car out for a family picnic
– I can’t believe we didn’t do this one! I totally forgot it was on the list or I would’ve done it for sure!
9. Teach Ellie her letters and numbers – HALF CHECK!
– We definitely spent some time here and there on this. She knows a ton of her letters and numbers already by sight – she’s not even four! So proud :)
10. Learn how to tile – CHECK!
– Ummm… YES! We finished an entire bathroom, and a tiled fireplace in the living room, and a small planter project!
11. Redecorate my office space
– Nope :( Instead of doing this, we decided to move into an entirely new home… lol. So now I have a brand new office space to renovate.
12. Build something to help organize the garage
– Again… we moved! Although we did build something to organize all of our wood, the project never made it to the blog. Hopefully our new, bigger garage, will have some future projects!
13. Do a glass cutting project – CHECK!
– We had a lot of fun learning how to cut glass, and actually made our own mirrors! Did you know you can cut your own??
14. DIY something with foam
– I don’t think I did this one… which is such a shame! I’ll have to make up for it next year!
15. Teach Ellie to skate – CHECK!
– We started skating with her and she LOVES it! I can’t wait to do more! Here is a picture of her learning :)
16. Stencil a furniture piece
– This one is coming up in January! Stay tuned…. :)
17. Save up and buy a new couch for the living room – CHECK!
– We got SUCH a beautiful couch for our new living room! I couldn’t be happier with it :)
We only got 9.5/17! Oh man! I’ll have to do better this year!
Maybe I’ll set some reminders in my phone to check out my list throughout the year :) Come back tomorrow to read my new goals!
Janessa Head
Monday 1st of January 2018
Well that makes me feel a lot better at not accomplishing most of mine! I only got 10/17 of my goals done. Plus one goal one I changed my mind on. I hope to do better with my 2018 goals. Once I move into my own place I am going to put my goals up somewhere where they can daily remind me, because with all the day to day bustle I tend to forget all that I have planned.