Looking for something to complete your nursery wall? Something homemade?
I was looking for something to complete this space in my baby girl’s bedroom.
I already had the space open for an embroidery hoop (to add some soft round edges to the nursery photo wall!), I just needed some DIY inspiration.
I decided to make an image of a kite flying. I like the imagery since the photo sits on the wall above her crib, but I also liked the symbolic ideas of letting her dreams soar.
Here’s how I did it:
Felt (colours to coordinate with your nursery if desired)
Embroidery thread
Embroidery hoop
Glue gun/crazy glue
White spray paint (if desired)
The rest is easy! Simply cut the shapes out however you choose. and sew them to the background felt by hand using the needle and embroidery string. I tried to coordinate string colours with my felt colours. Alternatively, you could just hand sew the string onto the felt pieces and then glue the felt pieces down where you want them after. The crazy glue sticks VERY well, but can be a bit finicky with felt, so sometimes the glue gun is easier.
I also spray painted the embroidery hoop white to match the other frames in the nursery.
If you want to make felt bows, you can follow this tutorial on Pinterest.
That’s it! Then hang it on the wall :)
And here is the finished product on the wall in my baby girl’s nursery:
Hope you liked the tutorial!
Sunday 25th of May 2014
Very cute idea! :)
Sunday 25th of May 2014
Awesome idea Lindi! Can I put in a blog request? As we are currently planning our nursery- can you give your best advice for what you need and what you didn't really use or what you couldn't live with out? Thanks!!
Sunday 25th of May 2014
Thanks!! That's a great idea for a blog post! I will totally write that!!