With October almost in the books, we are approaching the busiest blogger month that exists. November brings the end of the One Room Challenge, and the beginning of alllll the Christmas, when I’ll be decorating, and pumping out tons of great home tours, projects, DIY gifts, and decor ideas for everyone. I can’t wait! But October was a pretty great month too :) Here’s everything we were loving October :)
Loving: Family time! We had some family visit for our Canadian Thanksgiving and it was a ton of fun! Here are a couple of fun pics:
Creating: Christmas projects!!!!
Celebrating: My baby is two! We had her birthday celebration this month :)
Reading: I’m still working on my book from last month. Ain’t nobody got time for books these days!
Writing: A LOT of to-do list. I just buy a notebook like this and write a new list every day. It’s the only way I can stay sane while I’m busy! Are you a list-maker?
Watching: This Is Us. And by watching, I mean binge watching to catch up! lol.
Needing: Some self-control so that I stop eating the Hallowe’en candy I bought for the kids!
Learning: How to use deco foils! My first project was a complete fail, lol. Here’s hoping the next one is better!
Planning: A new Christmas colour theme. What do you think of my home last year?
Dreaming About: A finished living room! Here’s where we are at so far…
Wearing: A winter coat. Seriously. It’s that cold here!
Coveting: People with beautiful front porches to decorate for fall, like this lovely Canadian at Vinyet Etc!
What’s Working for Me Right Now: A new tiling leveling system! Have you seen THESE. They’re amazing!
What’s Not: Living in two houses. Moving back and forth every day while we wait for our house to sell is exhausting. If you’re the praying type, pray we sell soon please!
Anticipating: Kids with sore tummy’s tomorrow night! lol.
Hope you were loving October too! I’d LOVE to hear what you are loving! What’s new and exciting?!
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Sunday 5th of November 2017
Awww sounds like you had a nice (and very busy!) October:) love the pics of your daughter’s 2nd bday—adorable! Omg, This Is Us...I just love that show so much. So many tears each week.
Best of luck with the home and hope you are all settled in soon!!
Stopping g in from SITS sharefest today...nice to meet you!