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DIY Wooden Baby Blocks


As a mom, I’m always on the search for cute clothes and toys for my daughter.
That’s why I jumped at the chance to make some DIY wooden blocks for Ellie when I saw

My first step was to send my husband into the garage to cut some wooden blocks for me!
He cut the six blocks I needed quickly, and cut some extras for a future project :)


Once I had my blocks ready, I grabbed my mod podge and a foam brush.
I cut all of the pieces for the blocks with my knife and separated them into the appropriate piles for each block (boy feet together, girl heads together, etc.).


The last step was just to glue everything together.
I put a layer of mod podgy down, and another one on top.
LOVE mod podge – worked perfectly!


She’s a little too young to play with them yet, or understand them, but she’ll like them one day!
For now she was content to knock them over while I tried to take pictures :)



Now to find another project for my other leftover blocks!