Evelyn is now 20 lbs, 6oz., 28.5 inches long, and one year old.
This is late. I’m sorry. I’ve been busy enjoying my baby. Who is no longer a baby. How did that happen? I have a one year old. I took a few photos of her to mark her first birthday and I LOVE them. She cooperated because she had her Lucy (the elephant that never leaves her side). Lucy dries tears, heals boo boos, and magically brings about smiles. I love Lucy.
Our Evelyn hasn’t gained a pound. I’m jealous of my baby’s metabolism. She eats everything in site. Grunts when food doesn’t come fast enough. And is ALWAYS on the move. She’s even taken a few solo steps. Evelyn is a mama’s girl to the core. No one else will do (except maybe Lucy). And she LOVES her big sister, following her everywhere, even underneath big blankets and behind furniture.
Evelyn is shy, but if you are already in her good books, she’ll love you unconditionally. She is mischievous. She is tough. She is a fast learner. She is happy. She is still my baby girl. Love her to pieces. Life with two girls is bliss!
Monday 17th of October 2016
What a little cutie! I can't believe she's already 1!!
Monday 17th of October 2016
I know! The year went by SO crazy fast!
Kay Donley
Monday 17th of October 2016
Those blue shoes bring out the color of her precious eyes. Enjoy every second while they are little. My baby is 39 and it seems like yesterday he was 6lb 4oz..
Monday 17th of October 2016
Awww! It goes WAY too fast! Thank you so much for your comment!