Evelyn is now 9lbs, 13 oz, 21.5 inches long, and 1 month old.
Can it be true?! One month? Already? Time seems to be slipping by incredibly fast these days. Our baby girl is eating every three hours like clockwork. She’s small to us, but she’s wearing the occasional three month old outfit. She’s already trying to lift her head. She’s had several successful side rolls, and even a couple full rollovers (I know?!). She loves cuddles – even though her big sister did not – especially from mommy. She appreciates a half swaddle. Her eyes are still dark. She’s lost a few lone hairs, but has so far kept the majority of her thin dark brown strands. She loves her big sister and her big sister loves her. Life with two girls is bliss.
Tuesday 10th of November 2015
Too cute! Love your girls! Can't wait to meet Evelyn and share in some of those cuddles xoxo
Thursday 19th of November 2015
You will get some! She is a super cuddly little one :)
Monday 9th of November 2015
Aww so precious! They're both so adorable. Congrats to you and your family!
Monday 9th of November 2015
Thank you Tara! We are a happy little family of four :)
Lisa T
Monday 9th of November 2015
So precious :) I can't wait to see you all soon! They are so cute :) and how has it been a month already?!
Monday 9th of November 2015
I know, right?! Can't wait to see you either!!!
Laurie V
Monday 9th of November 2015
So adorable ❤️
Monday 9th of November 2015
Isn't she?! LOVE!
Sunday 8th of November 2015
Aw I love this! How cute are they in their matching mint and pink!?!
Sunday 8th of November 2015
Thanks Jenny!! I coordinated the Jammie's on purpose, but the blanket just happened to be there!