Gardening has been a hobby of fine for all of… 4 months?
Other than gathering up weeds after my mother had pulled them out, I hadn’t been close to a garden until last year.
Something about becoming a homeowner, and perhaps even a mother, gave me the urge to learn how to grow my own flowers and plant my own vegetables.
So I took the plunge last year and learned a TON from my talented mother-in-law.
Vegetables, herbs, garden flowers, pots… we tackled everything over the short 4 month summer. However, I never did re-plant the front garden.
You may remember when we tore up the front garden last year; taking out all of the shrubs and removing a LOT of rocks.
This year, I made sure to add “complete the front garden” to my 14 of 14 goal list.
I had some amazing helpers outside every time we gardened.
Ellie doesn’t last too long, but she loves the outdoors. When she saw what I was going, she was no longer very interested in her toys. I had to roll her away from the garden edges several times!
When I look at this photo (below) I can’t believe how far our gardens have come in only 2 years! I think that anyone who enjoys experimenting with their camera enjoys taking pictures of flowers. There is something beautiful about the intricate details and the uniqueness of each flower. I praise God for the opportunity to look upon beauty like this every day! And now its right outside my home :)
There are definitely things that I will change about this garden layout next year.
You live and you learn!
But for now, I’m just happy to have everything planted and growing wonderfully!
This goal is complete :)
Wednesday 6th of August 2014
Your gardens look so pretty! What kind of flowers are the pink ones in the 6th picture? I love them!
Thursday 7th of August 2014
I don't remember! Lol. But I have the tag at home and I'll check when I get back from vacation :)