Does anyone else get teary when they think of their little ones starting school?! I can’t believe this girl is going to Preschool this fall. Oh my heart. I’d like to think that I’ll get stronger, and my silly mommy emotions will normalize… but then I remember my mom crying when I left for University, lol. So I’m embracing the tears and giving out these First Day of School Printables so that we can all cry together while we take pretty iPhone pictures!

I actually searched around for a few printables to start school, but I could only find chalkboards and cutesy ones. Not that there’s anything wrong with that! It’s just that I wanted something a tad more modern – enter my clipboard printables.

You can download vertical or horizontal versions. I loved the look of popping it in a simple clipboard (which I bought at the dollar store!), but you could also put them in frames, or hold them up on their own.
Get your First Day of School Printables HERE:
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This is the look of a kiddo that’s excited to start school!

They grow up so fast! Enjoy your printables!
Don’t forget to grab your Back to School T-Shirts too!

Sandra Looney
Sunday 30th of July 2017
I would use it to make scrapbooks and cards for my family and friends
Wednesday 26th of July 2017
Awe these are so cute! I can't believe she's old enough for preschool either!
Wednesday 26th of July 2017
These printables are too adorable and a great way to add that little ID splash for sequential year photos! Thank you so much for sharing, Lindi! I know my wife is going to love these.
Wednesday 26th of July 2017
Wow these printables look absolutely fab. Thanks for sharing.